@tool @icon("../../icons/delayer.svg") extends Decorator class_name DelayDecorator ## The Delay Decorator will return 'RUNNING' for a set amount of time ## before executing its child. ## The timer resets when both it and its child are not `RUNNING` ## The wait time in seconds @export var wait_time := 0.0 @onready var cache_key = "time_limiter_%s" % self.get_instance_id() func tick(actor: Node, blackboard: Blackboard) -> int: var c = get_child(0) var total_time = blackboard.get_value(cache_key, 0.0, str(actor.get_instance_id())) var response if c != running_child: c.before_run(actor, blackboard) if total_time < wait_time: response = RUNNING total_time += get_physics_process_delta_time() blackboard.set_value(cache_key, total_time, str(actor.get_instance_id())) if can_send_message(blackboard): BeehaveDebuggerMessages.process_tick(self.get_instance_id(), response) else: response = c.tick(actor, blackboard) if can_send_message(blackboard): BeehaveDebuggerMessages.process_tick(c.get_instance_id(), response) if c is ConditionLeaf: blackboard.set_value("last_condition", c, str(actor.get_instance_id())) blackboard.set_value("last_condition_status", response, str(actor.get_instance_id())) if response == RUNNING and c is ActionLeaf: running_child = c blackboard.set_value("running_action", c, str(actor.get_instance_id())) if response != RUNNING: blackboard.set_value(cache_key, 0.0, str(actor.get_instance_id())) return response