generated from krampus/template-godot4
Ball selector
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
"vram_texture": false
@ -182,6 +182,16 @@ pause={
"events": [Object(InputEventKey,"resource_local_to_scene":false,"resource_name":"","device":-1,"window_id":0,"alt_pressed":false,"shift_pressed":false,"ctrl_pressed":false,"meta_pressed":false,"pressed":false,"keycode":0,"physical_keycode":4194305,"key_label":0,"unicode":0,"location":0,"echo":false,"script":null)
"events": [Object(InputEventKey,"resource_local_to_scene":false,"resource_name":"","device":-1,"window_id":0,"alt_pressed":false,"shift_pressed":false,"ctrl_pressed":false,"meta_pressed":false,"pressed":false,"keycode":0,"physical_keycode":4194305,"key_label":0,"unicode":0,"location":0,"echo":false,"script":null)
"deadzone": 0.5,
"events": [Object(InputEventKey,"resource_local_to_scene":false,"resource_name":"","device":-1,"window_id":0,"alt_pressed":false,"shift_pressed":false,"ctrl_pressed":false,"meta_pressed":false,"pressed":false,"keycode":0,"physical_keycode":4194306,"key_label":0,"unicode":0,"location":0,"echo":false,"script":null)
"deadzone": 0.5,
"events": [Object(InputEventKey,"resource_local_to_scene":false,"resource_name":"","device":-1,"window_id":0,"alt_pressed":false,"shift_pressed":true,"ctrl_pressed":false,"meta_pressed":false,"pressed":false,"keycode":0,"physical_keycode":4194306,"key_label":0,"unicode":0,"location":0,"echo":false,"script":null)
@ -4,6 +4,13 @@ class_name GameBall extends RigidBody3D
## Fired as soon as this ball enters a water hazard
## Fired as soon as this ball enters a water hazard
signal entered_water
signal entered_water
## Types of game balls
enum Type {
const IRON_DAMPING := 9999.0
const IRON_DAMPING := 9999.0
@ -8,9 +8,14 @@
script = ExtResource("4_8ybyj")
script = ExtResource("4_8ybyj")
name = "DEBUG Gfolfer"
life = 100.0
life = 100.0
name = "DEBUG Gfolfer"
color = Color(1, 0.439216, 0.439216, 1)
driver = ExtResource("1_sn8fd")
driver = ExtResource("1_sn8fd")
iron = ExtResource("2_piku2")
iron = ExtResource("2_piku2")
wedge = ExtResource("5_wm4ae")
wedge = ExtResource("5_wm4ae")
putter = ExtResource("3_tytwr")
putter = ExtResource("3_tytwr")
_balls = {
1: -1,
2: 5
@ -4,17 +4,10 @@ class_name BallPoint extends Node3D
## Emitted when a new ball is placed.
## Emitted when a new ball is placed.
signal ball_changed(ball: GameBall)
signal ball_changed(ball: GameBall)
## Types of game balls
enum Type {
## Scenes for each type of ball.
## Scenes for each type of ball.
const SCENE_MAP: Dictionary = {
const SCENE_MAP: Dictionary = {
Type.BASIC: preload("res://src/equipment/balls/physics_ball/physics_ball.tscn"),
GameBall.Type.BASIC: preload("res://src/equipment/balls/physics_ball/physics_ball.tscn"),
Type.PLASMA: preload("res://src/equipment/balls/plasma_ball/plasma_ball.tscn"),
GameBall.Type.PLASMA: preload("res://src/equipment/balls/plasma_ball/plasma_ball.tscn"),
@export var ball: GameBall:
@export var ball: GameBall:
@ -25,7 +18,7 @@ const SCENE_MAP: Dictionary = {
## Get a new instance of a ball of the given type.
## Get a new instance of a ball of the given type.
## Returns null if the type can't be instantiated (e.g. NONE type)
## Returns null if the type can't be instantiated (e.g. NONE type)
func get_instance(type: Type) -> GameBall:
func get_instance(type: GameBall.Type) -> GameBall:
if type in SCENE_MAP:
if type in SCENE_MAP:
var scene: PackedScene = SCENE_MAP.get(type)
var scene: PackedScene = SCENE_MAP.get(type)
return scene.instantiate() as GameBall
return scene.instantiate() as GameBall
@ -33,7 +26,7 @@ func get_instance(type: Type) -> GameBall:
## Clear any existing ball, instantiate a new one of the given type, and place it at the ball point.
## Clear any existing ball, instantiate a new one of the given type, and place it at the ball point.
func spawn_ball(type: Type) -> void:
func spawn_ball(type: GameBall.Type) -> void:
# Clear existing ball
# Clear existing ball
if is_instance_valid(ball):
if is_instance_valid(ball):
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const WATER_DAMAGE := 10.0
@export var initial_club: Club.Type = Club.Type.DRIVER
@export var initial_club: Club.Type = Club.Type.DRIVER
## Initially-selected ball type
## Initially-selected ball type
@export var initial_ball: BallPoint.Type = BallPoint.Type.BASIC
@export var initial_ball: GameBall.Type = GameBall.Type.BASIC
@export_category("Shot Parameters")
@export_category("Shot Parameters")
@export var base_power := 2.5
@export var base_power := 2.5
@ -89,9 +89,10 @@ var club: Club.Type:
club = value
club = value
var ball_type: BallPoint.Type:
var ball_type: GameBall.Type:
if value != ball_type:
if value != ball_type:
hud.ball_selector.value = value
ball_type = value
ball_type = value
@ -237,6 +238,10 @@ func take_shot() -> void:
game_ball.freeze = false
game_ball.freeze = false
# Use a ball if a limited type is selected
if player.get_balls(ball_type) > 0:
player.mutate_balls(ball_type, -1)
## Make the shot projection widget visible, with animated transition
## Make the shot projection widget visible, with animated transition
func _show_shot_projection() -> void:
func _show_shot_projection() -> void:
@ -486,6 +491,12 @@ func _process(delta: float) -> void:
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("select_putter"):
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("select_putter"):
club = Club.Type.PUTTER
club = Club.Type.PUTTER
# Ball select
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ball_next"):
ball_type = player.next_ball(ball_type)
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ball_previous"):
ball_type = player.prev_ball(ball_type)
# Switch to free cam
# Switch to free cam
if (
if (
@ -497,7 +508,10 @@ func _process(delta: float) -> void:
# Advance to next phase
# Advance to next phase
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("shot_accept"):
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("shot_accept"):
if player.get_balls(ball_type) != 0:
# Check that player has enough of the selected ball (<0 means unlimited)
phase = Phase.POWER_ADJUST
phase = Phase.POWER_ADJUST
# TODO play UI bonk if player doesn't have balls (lmao)
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("shot_accept"):
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("shot_accept"):
# TODO set power gauge parameters if needed
# TODO set power gauge parameters if needed
@ -323,14 +323,13 @@ visible = false
transform = Transform3D(0.2, 0, 0, 0, -1.74846e-08, 0.2, 0, -0.4, -8.74228e-09, 0, 0, -1)
transform = Transform3D(0.2, 0, 0, 0, -1.74846e-08, 0.2, 0, -0.4, -8.74228e-09, 0, 0, -1)
loop_animation = 1
loop_animation = 1
[node name="ShotProjection" parent="ArrowPivot" node_paths=PackedStringArray("excluded_bodies") instance=ExtResource("4_ry2ho")]
[node name="ShotProjection" parent="ArrowPivot" instance=ExtResource("4_ry2ho")]
unique_name_in_owner = true
unique_name_in_owner = true
transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 0.707107, -0.707107, 0, 0.707107, 0.707107, 0, -0.02, 0)
transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 0.707107, -0.707107, 0, 0.707107, 0.707107, 0, -0.02, 0)
visible = false
visible = false
initial_speed = 50.0
initial_speed = 50.0
time_step = 0.01
time_step = 0.01
max_steps = 800
max_steps = 800
excluded_bodies = [null]
[node name="ProjectedTarget" parent="ArrowPivot/ShotProjection" instance=ExtResource("6_mynqj")]
[node name="ProjectedTarget" parent="ArrowPivot/ShotProjection" instance=ExtResource("6_mynqj")]
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ class_name WorldPlayer extends Resource
## Container for the state of the player within the world.
## Container for the state of the player within the world.
signal on_life_changed(new_value: float)
signal on_life_changed(new_value: float)
signal on_balls_changed(type: GameBall.Type, new_value: int)
@export_range(0, 100) var life: float = 100.0:
@export_range(0, 100) var life: float = 100.0:
@ -21,6 +22,13 @@ signal on_life_changed(new_value: float)
@export var putter: Club
@export var putter: Club
@export var special: Club
@export var special: Club
## Count of each type of ball the player possesses.
## A count of less than zero indicates unlimited quantity.
@export var _balls := {
GameBall.Type.BASIC: -1,
GameBall.Type.PLASMA: -1,
# TODO balls, pickups, etc
# TODO balls, pickups, etc
var shot_setup: ShotSetup:
var shot_setup: ShotSetup:
@ -48,6 +56,39 @@ func get_club(type: Club.Type) -> Club:
return null
return null
## Get the quantity of a ball type
func get_balls(type: GameBall.Type) -> int:
return _balls.get(type, 0)
## Set the quantity of a ball type
func set_balls(type: GameBall.Type, value: int) -> void:
_balls[type] = value
on_balls_changed.emit(type, value)
## Change the quantity of a ball type
func mutate_balls(type: GameBall.Type, delta: int) -> void:
_balls[type] = _balls.get(type, 0) + delta
on_balls_changed.emit(type, _balls[type])
## Get next slotted ball type
func next_ball(type: GameBall.Type) -> GameBall.Type:
var keys := _balls.keys()
var i := keys.find(type)
var j := (i + 1) % len(keys) if i >= 0 else 0
return keys[j]
## Get previous slotted ball type
func prev_ball(type: GameBall.Type) -> GameBall.Type:
var keys := _balls.keys()
var i := keys.find(type)
var j := (i - 1) % len(keys) if i >= 0 else 0
return keys[j]
## Create a debug player instance
## Create a debug player instance
static func create_debug() -> WorldPlayer:
static func create_debug() -> WorldPlayer:
var instance :=
var instance :=
@ -28,6 +28,11 @@ PauseMenuButton/colors/font_outline_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1)
PauseMenuButton/constants/outline_size = 6
PauseMenuButton/constants/outline_size = 6
PauseMenuButton/font_sizes/font_size = 32
PauseMenuButton/font_sizes/font_size = 32
PauseMenuButton/fonts/font = ExtResource("2_5ty6u")
PauseMenuButton/fonts/font = ExtResource("2_5ty6u")
QuantityLabel/base_type = &"Label"
QuantityLabel/colors/font_color = Color(0.819608, 0.196078, 0.196078, 1)
QuantityLabel/colors/font_outline_color = Color(1, 0.901961, 0.509804, 1)
QuantityLabel/constants/outline_size = 6
QuantityLabel/font_sizes/font_size = 22
ShotFeedback/base_type = &"RichTextLabel"
ShotFeedback/base_type = &"RichTextLabel"
ShotFeedback/colors/font_shadow_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1)
ShotFeedback/colors/font_shadow_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1)
ShotFeedback/constants/shadow_offset_x = 6
ShotFeedback/constants/shadow_offset_x = 6
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
class_name BallIcon extends Control
## HUD icon for a ball type
@export var text: String:
text = value
if ball_label:
ball_label.text = value
@export var quantity: int:
set = _set_quantity
@export var empty: bool:
if value:
quantity = 0
elif not quantity:
quantity = 1
return quantity == 0
@export var unlimited: bool:
quantity = -1 if value else 0
return quantity < 0
@onready var ball_label: Label = %BallLabel
@onready var quantity_container: HBoxContainer = %QuantityContainer
@onready var quantity_label: Label = %QuantityLabel
func _ready() -> void:
text = text
quantity = quantity
func _set_quantity(value: int) -> void:
# TODO play effect on gain/loss
quantity = value
if not quantity_label:
quantity_label.text = str(quantity)
# Quantity is not visible if we're empty or unlimited
quantity_container.visible = quantity > 0
# Grey out when empty
ball_label.modulate = EMPTY_MODULATE if quantity == 0 else BASE_MODULATE
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://cc8a55ly7ybhy"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://src/ui/shot_hud/ball_selector/" id="1_p0p8j"]
[ext_resource type="FontFile" uid="uid://b6gxwgomstkgu" path="res://assets/fonts/Geo/Geo-Italic.ttf" id="2_bu42i"]
[node name="BallIcon" type="Control"]
custom_minimum_size = Vector2(0, 27)
layout_mode = 3
anchors_preset = 8
anchor_left = 0.5
anchor_top = 0.5
anchor_right = 0.5
anchor_bottom = 0.5
grow_horizontal = 2
grow_vertical = 2
size_flags_horizontal = 4
script = ExtResource("1_p0p8j")
quantity = -1
unlimited = true
[node name="BallLabel" type="Label" parent="."]
unique_name_in_owner = true
layout_mode = 1
anchors_preset = 8
anchor_left = 0.5
anchor_top = 0.5
anchor_right = 0.5
anchor_bottom = 0.5
offset_left = -46.5
offset_top = -13.5
offset_right = 46.5
offset_bottom = 13.5
grow_horizontal = 2
grow_vertical = 2
theme_override_constants/outline_size = 10
theme_override_fonts/font = ExtResource("2_bu42i")
theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 25
horizontal_alignment = 2
[node name="QuantityContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="BallLabel"]
unique_name_in_owner = true
visible = false
layout_mode = 1
anchors_preset = -1
anchor_left = 1.0
anchor_top = 0.8
anchor_right = 1.0
anchor_bottom = 0.8
grow_horizontal = 2
grow_vertical = 2
theme_override_constants/separation = 0
[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="BallLabel/QuantityContainer"]
layout_mode = 2
size_flags_horizontal = 8
size_flags_vertical = 8
theme_type_variation = &"QuantityLabel"
theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 22
text = "×"
[node name="QuantityLabel" type="Label" parent="BallLabel/QuantityContainer"]
unique_name_in_owner = true
layout_mode = 2
size_flags_horizontal = 8
size_flags_vertical = 8
theme_type_variation = &"QuantityLabel"
theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 22
text = "-1"
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
class_name BallSelector extends Control
const TWEEN_TIME := 0.2
const Y_OFFSET := {
GameBall.Type.NONE: 50,
GameBall.Type.BASIC: 18,
GameBall.Type.PLASMA: -14,
@export var value: GameBall.Type:
set = _set_value
@onready var ball_list: VBoxContainer = %BallList
@onready var basic_icon: BallIcon = %BasicIcon
@onready var plasma_icon: BallIcon = %PlasmaIcon
func _ready() -> void:
value = value
## Set ball quantities based on player's state
func set_state_for_player(player: WorldPlayer) -> void:
basic_icon.quantity = player.get_balls(GameBall.Type.BASIC)
plasma_icon.quantity = player.get_balls(GameBall.Type.PLASMA)
if player.shot_setup:
value = player.shot_setup.ball_type
func _get_icon(type: GameBall.Type) -> BallIcon:
match type:
return basic_icon
return plasma_icon
return null
func _set_value(new_value: GameBall.Type) -> void:
if not ball_list:
var tween := get_tree().create_tween()
tween.tween_property(ball_list, "position:y", Y_OFFSET[new_value], TWEEN_TIME).set_trans(
value = new_value
func _set_quantity(type: GameBall.Type, new_value: int) -> void:
_get_icon(type).quantity = new_value
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=5 format=3 uid="uid://b0yr0w0xv8cm5"]
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://cc8a55ly7ybhy" path="res://src/ui/shot_hud/ball_selector/ball_icon.tscn" id="1_1v8xg"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://src/ui/shot_hud/ball_selector/" id="1_b7gkp"]
[sub_resource type="Gradient" id="Gradient_3vqut"]
interpolation_mode = 2
offsets = PackedFloat32Array(0, 0.382, 0.618, 1)
colors = PackedColorArray(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
[sub_resource type="GradientTexture2D" id="GradientTexture2D_tm61r"]
gradient = SubResource("Gradient_3vqut")
fill_to = Vector2(0, 1)
metadata/_snap_enabled = true
[node name="BallSelector" type="Control"]
custom_minimum_size = Vector2(120, 27)
layout_mode = 3
anchors_preset = 8
anchor_left = 0.5
anchor_top = 0.5
anchor_right = 0.5
anchor_bottom = 0.5
offset_left = -60.0
offset_top = -13.5
offset_right = 60.0
offset_bottom = 13.5
grow_horizontal = 2
grow_vertical = 2
script = ExtResource("1_b7gkp")
[node name="GradientMask" type="TextureRect" parent="."]
clip_children = 1
custom_minimum_size = Vector2(120, 32)
layout_mode = 1
anchors_preset = 15
anchor_right = 1.0
anchor_bottom = 1.0
grow_horizontal = 2
grow_vertical = 2
texture = SubResource("GradientTexture2D_tm61r")
[node name="BallList" type="VBoxContainer" parent="GradientMask"]
unique_name_in_owner = true
custom_minimum_size = Vector2(120, 0)
layout_mode = 1
anchors_preset = 15
anchor_right = 1.0
anchor_bottom = 1.0
offset_top = 50.0
offset_bottom = 50.0
grow_horizontal = 2
grow_vertical = 2
theme_override_constants/separation = 5
[node name="BasicIcon" parent="GradientMask/BallList" instance=ExtResource("1_1v8xg")]
unique_name_in_owner = true
custom_minimum_size = Vector2(120, 27)
layout_mode = 2
text = "BASIC"
[node name="PlasmaIcon" parent="GradientMask/BallList" instance=ExtResource("1_1v8xg")]
unique_name_in_owner = true
custom_minimum_size = Vector2(120, 27)
layout_mode = 2
text = "PLASMA"
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ var player: WorldPlayer
@onready var life_bar: TextureProgressBar = %LifeBar
@onready var life_bar: TextureProgressBar = %LifeBar
@onready var club_selector: ClubSelector = %ClubSelector
@onready var club_selector: ClubSelector = %ClubSelector
@onready var ball_selector: BallSelector = %BallSelector
@onready var _curve_animation: AnimationPlayer = %CurveAnimation
@onready var _curve_animation: AnimationPlayer = %CurveAnimation
@onready var _power_animation: AnimationPlayer = %PowerAnimation
@onready var _power_animation: AnimationPlayer = %PowerAnimation
@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ static var scene: PackedScene = preload("res://src/ui/shot_hud/shot_hud.tscn")
func _ready() -> void:
func _ready() -> void:
_player_name.text =
_player_name.text =
life_bar.value =
life_bar.value =
life_bar.tint_progress = player.color
life_bar.tint_progress = player.color
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=32 format=3 uid="uid://c4ifdiohng830"]
[gd_scene load_steps=34 format=3 uid="uid://c4ifdiohng830"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://src/ui/shot_hud/" id="1_x5b4c"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://src/ui/shot_hud/" id="1_x5b4c"]
[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://src/shaders/canvas_retro.gdshader" id="1_ybxxp"]
[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://src/shaders/canvas_retro.gdshader" id="1_ybxxp"]
@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://b5812y3pmmgg5" path="res://assets/ui/gauge_patch.png" id="4_5kcpe"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://b5812y3pmmgg5" path="res://assets/ui/gauge_patch.png" id="4_5kcpe"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://76fjx2ukavqe" path="res://assets/ui/power_gauge_fill.png" id="5_3i1yq"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://76fjx2ukavqe" path="res://assets/ui/power_gauge_fill.png" id="5_3i1yq"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://4a8tvjgwegv3" path="res://assets/ui/power_gauge_tab.png" id="6_sw48q"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://4a8tvjgwegv3" path="res://assets/ui/power_gauge_tab.png" id="6_sw48q"]
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://b0yr0w0xv8cm5" path="res://src/ui/shot_hud/ball_selector/ball_selector.tscn" id="8_b2302"]
[ext_resource type="FontFile" uid="uid://dsa0oh7c0h4pu" path="res://assets/fonts/Racing_Sans_One/RacingSansOne-Regular.ttf" id="8_bejx4"]
[ext_resource type="FontFile" uid="uid://dsa0oh7c0h4pu" path="res://assets/fonts/Racing_Sans_One/RacingSansOne-Regular.ttf" id="8_bejx4"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://tancoet1lih5" path="res://assets/ui/ball_icons/basic_icon.png" id="8_tt8i3"]
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dmciuk3pbjsae" path="res://src/ui/shot_hud/life_bar/life_bar.tscn" id="9_w1fiw"]
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dmciuk3pbjsae" path="res://src/ui/shot_hud/life_bar/life_bar.tscn" id="9_w1fiw"]
[sub_resource type="Animation" id="Animation_3xds6"]
[sub_resource type="Animation" id="Animation_3xds6"]
@ -490,35 +492,6 @@ tracks/1/keys = {
"values": [false]
"values": [false]
[sub_resource type="Animation" id="Animation_nicro"]
resource_name = "show_life_bar"
length = 0.4
step = 0.02
tracks/0/type = "value"
tracks/0/imported = false
tracks/0/enabled = true
tracks/0/path = NodePath("SouthWest:position")
tracks/0/interp = 2
tracks/0/loop_wrap = true
tracks/0/keys = {
"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 0.34, 0.4),
"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1.618, 1.618, 1),
"update": 0,
"values": [Vector2(0, 1100), Vector2(0, 960), Vector2(0, 982)]
tracks/1/type = "value"
tracks/1/imported = false
tracks/1/enabled = true
tracks/1/path = NodePath("SouthWest:visible")
tracks/1/interp = 1
tracks/1/loop_wrap = true
tracks/1/keys = {
"times": PackedFloat32Array(0),
"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1),
"update": 1,
"values": [true]
[sub_resource type="Animation" id="Animation_jugqx"]
[sub_resource type="Animation" id="Animation_jugqx"]
resource_name = "peek"
resource_name = "peek"
length = 2.4
length = 2.4
@ -548,6 +521,35 @@ tracks/1/keys = {
"values": [true, false]
"values": [true, false]
[sub_resource type="Animation" id="Animation_nicro"]
resource_name = "show_life_bar"
length = 0.4
step = 0.02
tracks/0/type = "value"
tracks/0/imported = false
tracks/0/enabled = true
tracks/0/path = NodePath("SouthWest:position")
tracks/0/interp = 2
tracks/0/loop_wrap = true
tracks/0/keys = {
"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 0.34, 0.4),
"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1.618, 1.618, 1),
"update": 0,
"values": [Vector2(0, 1100), Vector2(0, 960), Vector2(0, 982)]
tracks/1/type = "value"
tracks/1/imported = false
tracks/1/enabled = true
tracks/1/path = NodePath("SouthWest:visible")
tracks/1/interp = 1
tracks/1/loop_wrap = true
tracks/1/keys = {
"times": PackedFloat32Array(0),
"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1),
"update": 1,
"values": [true]
[sub_resource type="AnimationLibrary" id="AnimationLibrary_c3i4w"]
[sub_resource type="AnimationLibrary" id="AnimationLibrary_c3i4w"]
_data = {
_data = {
"RESET": SubResource("Animation_3cn2c"),
"RESET": SubResource("Animation_3cn2c"),
@ -756,15 +758,30 @@ libraries = {
"": SubResource("AnimationLibrary_5nauw")
"": SubResource("AnimationLibrary_5nauw")
[node name="TextureRect" type="TextureRect" parent="ClubSelector"]
texture_filter = 1
layout_mode = 0
offset_right = 128.0
offset_bottom = 128.0
texture = ExtResource("8_tt8i3")
[node name="BallSelector" parent="ClubSelector/TextureRect" instance=ExtResource("8_b2302")]
unique_name_in_owner = true
layout_mode = 1
anchors_preset = -1
anchor_left = 0.7
anchor_right = 0.7
offset_right = 108.0
grow_horizontal = 1
[node name="SouthWest" type="MarginContainer" parent="."]
[node name="SouthWest" type="MarginContainer" parent="."]
layout_mode = 1
layout_mode = 1
anchors_preset = -1
anchors_preset = -1
anchor_top = 1.0
anchor_top = 1.0
anchor_right = 0.333
anchor_right = 0.333
anchor_bottom = 1.0
anchor_bottom = 1.0
offset_top = 20.0
offset_top = -98.0
offset_right = 40.0
offset_right = 40.0
offset_bottom = 118.0
grow_vertical = 0
grow_vertical = 0
theme_override_constants/margin_left = 16
theme_override_constants/margin_left = 16
theme_override_constants/margin_bottom = 16
theme_override_constants/margin_bottom = 16
Reference in New Issue