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extends Node3D
class_name Terrain3DObjects
const TransformChangedNotifier: Script = preload("res://addons/terrain_3d/utils/transform_changed_notifier.gd")
const CHILD_HELPER_NAME: StringName = &"TransformChangedSignaller"
const CHILD_HELPER_PATH: NodePath = ^"TransformChangedSignaller"
var _undo_redo = null
var _terrain_id: int
var _offsets: Dictionary # Object ID -> Vector3(X, Y offset relative to terrain height, Z)
var _ignore_transform_change: bool = false
func _enter_tree() -> void:
if not Engine.is_editor_hint():
for child in get_children():
func _exit_tree() -> void:
if not Engine.is_editor_hint():
for child in get_children():
func editor_setup(p_plugin) -> void:
_undo_redo = p_plugin.get_undo_redo()
func get_terrain() -> Terrain3D:
var terrain := instance_from_id(_terrain_id) as Terrain3D
if not terrain or terrain.is_queued_for_deletion() or not terrain.is_inside_tree():
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var terrains: Array[Node] = Engine.get_singleton(&"EditorInterface").get_edited_scene_root().find_children("", "Terrain3D")
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if terrains.size() > 0:
terrain = terrains[0]
_terrain_id = terrain.get_instance_id() if terrain else 0
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if terrain and terrain.data and not terrain.data.maps_edited.is_connected(_on_maps_edited):
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return terrain
func _get_terrain_height(p_global_position: Vector3) -> float:
var terrain: Terrain3D = get_terrain()
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if not terrain or not terrain.data:
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return 0.0
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var height: float = terrain.data.get_height(p_global_position)
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if is_nan(height):
return 0.0
return height
func _on_child_entered_tree(p_node: Node) -> void:
if not (p_node is Node3D):
assert(p_node.get_parent() == self)
var helper: TransformChangedNotifier = p_node.get_node_or_null(CHILD_HELPER_PATH)
if not helper:
helper = TransformChangedNotifier.new()
helper.name = CHILD_HELPER_NAME
p_node.add_child(helper, true, INTERNAL_MODE_BACK)
# When reparenting a Node3D, Godot changes its transform _after_ reparenting it. So here,
# we must use call_deferred, to avoid receiving transform_changed as a result of reparenting.
_setup_child_signal.call_deferred(p_node, helper)
func _setup_child_signal(p_node: Node, helper: TransformChangedNotifier) -> void:
if not p_node.is_inside_tree():
if helper.transform_changed.is_connected(_on_child_transform_changed):
func _on_child_exiting_tree(p_node: Node) -> void:
if not (p_node is Node3D) or not p_node.has_node(CHILD_HELPER_PATH):
var helper: TransformChangedNotifier = p_node.get_node_or_null(CHILD_HELPER_PATH)
if helper:
func _is_node_selected(p_node: Node) -> bool:
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var editor_sel = Engine.get_singleton(&"EditorInterface").get_selection()
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return editor_sel.get_transformable_selected_nodes().has(p_node)
func _on_child_transform_changed(p_node: Node3D) -> void:
if _ignore_transform_change:
var lmb_down := Input.is_mouse_button_pressed(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT)
if lmb_down and (_is_node_selected(p_node) or _is_node_selected(self)):
# The user may be moving the node using gizmos.
# We should wait until they're done before updating otherwise gizmos + this node conflict.
if not _offsets.has(p_node.get_instance_id()):
var old_offset: Vector3 = _offsets[p_node.get_instance_id()]
var old_h: float = _get_terrain_height(old_offset)
var old_position: Vector3 = old_offset + Vector3(0, old_h, 0)
var new_position: Vector3 = p_node.global_position
if old_position.is_equal_approx(new_position):
var new_h: float = _get_terrain_height(new_position)
var new_offset: Vector3 = new_position - Vector3(0, new_h, 0)
var translate_without_reposition: bool = Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_SHIFT)
var y_changed: bool = not is_equal_approx(old_position.y, p_node.global_position.y)
if not y_changed and not translate_without_reposition:
new_offset.y = old_offset.y
new_position = new_offset + Vector3(0, new_h, 0)
# Make sure that when the user undo's the translation, the offset change gets undone too!
_undo_redo.create_action("Translate", UndoRedo.MERGE_ALL)
_undo_redo.add_do_method(self, &"_set_offset_and_position", p_node.get_instance_id(), new_offset, new_position)
_undo_redo.add_undo_method(self, &"_set_offset_and_position", p_node.get_instance_id(), old_offset, old_position)
func _set_offset_and_position(p_id: int, p_offset: Vector3, p_position: Vector3) -> void:
var node := instance_from_id(p_id) as Node
if not is_instance_valid(node):
_ignore_transform_change = true
node.global_position = p_position
_offsets[p_id] = p_offset
_ignore_transform_change = false
# Overwrite current offset stored for node with its current Y position relative to the terrain
func _update_child_offset(p_node: Node3D) -> void:
var position: Vector3 = global_transform * p_node.position
var h: float = _get_terrain_height(position)
var offset: Vector3 = position - Vector3(0, h, 0)
_offsets[p_node.get_instance_id()] = offset
# Overwrite node's current position with terrain height + stored offset for this node
func _update_child_position(p_node: Node3D) -> void:
if not _offsets.has(p_node.get_instance_id()):
var position: Vector3 = global_transform * p_node.position
var h: float = _get_terrain_height(position)
var offset: Vector3 = _offsets[p_node.get_instance_id()]
var new_position: Vector3 = global_transform.inverse() * (offset + Vector3(0, h, 0))
if not p_node.position.is_equal_approx(new_position):
p_node.position = new_position
func _on_maps_edited(p_edited_aabb: AABB) -> void:
var edited_area: AABB = p_edited_aabb.grow(1)
edited_area.position.y = -INF
edited_area.end.y = INF
for child in get_children():
var node := child as Node3D
if node && edited_area.has_point(node.global_position):