2024-10-20 15:47:57 -06:00
extends EditorNode3DGizmo
var material: StandardMaterial3D
var selection_material: StandardMaterial3D
var region_position: Vector2
var region_size: float
var grid: Array[Vector2i]
var use_secondary_color: bool = false
var show_rect: bool = true
var main_color: Color = Color.GREEN_YELLOW
var secondary_color: Color = Color.RED
var grid_color: Color = Color.WHITE
var border_color: Color = Color.BLUE
func _init() -> void:
material = StandardMaterial3D.new()
material.set_flag(BaseMaterial3D.FLAG_DISABLE_DEPTH_TEST, true)
material.set_flag(BaseMaterial3D.FLAG_ALBEDO_FROM_VERTEX_COLOR, true)
selection_material = material.duplicate()
func _redraw() -> void:
var rect_position = region_position * region_size
if show_rect:
var modulate: Color = main_color if !use_secondary_color else secondary_color
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if abs(region_position.x) > Terrain3DData.REGION_MAP_SIZE*.5 or abs(region_position.y) > Terrain3DData.REGION_MAP_SIZE*.5:
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modulate = Color.GRAY
draw_rect(Vector2(region_size,region_size)*.5 + rect_position, region_size, selection_material, modulate)
for pos in grid:
var grid_tile_position = Vector2(pos) * region_size
if show_rect and grid_tile_position == rect_position:
# Skip this one, otherwise focused region borders are not always visible due to draw order
draw_rect(Vector2(region_size,region_size)*.5 + grid_tile_position, region_size, material, grid_color)
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draw_rect(Vector2.ZERO, region_size * Terrain3DData.REGION_MAP_SIZE, material, border_color)
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func draw_rect(p_pos: Vector2, p_size: float, p_material: StandardMaterial3D, p_modulate: Color) -> void:
var lines: PackedVector3Array = [
Vector3(-1, 0, -1),
Vector3(-1, 0, 1),
Vector3(1, 0, 1),
Vector3(1, 0, -1),
Vector3(-1, 0, 1),
Vector3(1, 0, 1),
Vector3(1, 0, -1),
Vector3(-1, 0, -1),
for i in lines.size():
lines[i] = ((lines[i] / 2.0) * p_size) + Vector3(p_pos.x, 0, p_pos.y)
add_lines(lines, p_material, false, p_modulate)